Mittagsmenü inklusive Vorspeise. 2 courses for only € 10,90
Szegediner Krautfleisch mit Salzerdäpfeln (A,G)
Szedeg Style Cabbage Stewed Pork with Boiled Potatos
Hühner-Pariser-Schnitzerl mit Erdäpfel-Rahmgurkensalat (A,C,O)
Chicken Schnitzel ala Parisienne with Creamy Potato Cucumber Salad
Gekochtes Rindfleisch vom Waldviertler Angus Beef mit, Erdäpfelschmarrn, Apfelkren & Schnittlauchsauce (A,C,G,M,L,O)
Simmered Beef with Root Vegetables, Roesti, Chives Sauce & Apple Horseradish
Original gefüllte Paprika mit Paradeisersauce & Salzerdäpfeln (A,C,G,M,L)
The Original Stuffed Paprika with Tomato Sauce & Boiled Potatoes
Hausgemachte Pasta mit Sauce von frischen Paradeisern, Nduja, Burrata, Guanciale. Ricotta Salata. Parmesan (A,C,G,O)
Momemade Pasta with Sauce of Fresh Tomatos, Nduja, Burrata, Guanciale. Ricotta Salata. Parmesan
Alternative. vegetarische Menü-Hauptspeise:
Karfiol in Eierpanade mit Tahinisauce & Paradeiser-Kicherbsensalat (C,G,N)
Cauliflower in Egg Batter with Tahini Sauce & Tomato Chickepea Salad
Büffelmozzarella DOP. Cuore di Bue Paradeiser. Brot (A,G,O)
Ofen-Süsserdäpfel auf veganem Eierschwammerlgulasch ()
Steinpilze in Olivenöl & Rosmarin gebraten mit Blattsalaten (O)
Steinpilze in Kürbispanade mit Sauce Tartare & Petersilerdäpfeln (A,C,G,M)
Hausgemachte Pannonische Bratwurst. Senf. Zwiebel. Brot (A,M)
Kuttelfleck-Gulasch mit Schweinsfuß & Rauchfleisch. Brot (A)
Eiernockerl mit Salat (A,C,G)
Hausgemachte Tagliatelle Pasta. Italienisches Beef Ragu. Parmesan (A,C,G)
Eierschwammerl-Ravioli in brauner Butter geschwenkt mit Parmesan (A,C,G)
Hausgemachte Tagliatelle Pasta.Eierschwammerlsauce. Parmesan (A,C,G)
Kathi`s BBQ Fleisch-Pierogi. Speckkraut. Sauerrahm (A,G,M,O)
1516 Chicken Schnitzel:
De-Boned Chicken in Batter with Potato Salad
Ausgelöstes Backhendl mit Erdäpfelsalat (A,C,G,M,O)
Brimsen Pierogi mit Zwiebelbutter & Kraut (A,C,G,H)
Joghurt mariniertes BBQ Hendl. . Reis (G,L,O)
Gebackene Käseblunzn. Krautsalat. Senf (A,C,G,L,M,O)
Eierschwammerlrostbraten mit Röstzwiebeln & Wedges (A,G,M)
ca. 300g Waldviertler Entrecote Cognac-Pfeffersauce. Biersenfbutter. Wedges (A,G,M)
TAP BEER CRAFT BREWED ON THE PREMISES. Filterless. No Additives. No Preservatives
Helles Vollbier / kräftig gehopft
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,10 | 0,4L - € 3,90 | 1,5L - € 14,20
Mix of dark and blond beer
Dunkles und helles Bier gemischt
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,10 | 0,4L - € 3,90 | 1,5L - € 14,20
Lager & Lemonade | Helles & Limo
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,60 | 0,4L - € 4,40 | 1,5L - € 14,60
(from PA to Vienna) Whole Leaf hopped | Doldenhopfen gehopft
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,90 | 0,4L - € 5,10 | 1,5L - € 17,20
Cascade hopped Wheat Ale | Weissbier mit Cascade Hopfen gehopft
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,10 | 0,4L - € 3,90 | 1,5L - € 14,20
„Was unter den Blumen die Rose, ist unter den Bieren die Gose“
Hopped with Ahhhroma™ and spiced with Coriander and salt. We then fermented with Saison yeast before adding a very large amount of painstakingly hand peeled and pulped Cucumbers to create this incredibly refreshing Gose
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,90 | 0,4L - € 5,10 | 1,5L - € 17,20
Amber Ale fermented with Alt yeast from Düsseldorf, hopped with Spalter Spalt & Spalter Select
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,10 | 0,4L - € 3,90 | 1,5L - € 14,20
A craftbrew dedicated to the ones that bust their balls daily. Struggling to make barley enough just to get by. Not appreciated by anyone. You need a quick & simple treat, to wash down your frustration and give you energy to pull yourself together and do it all again tomorrow. There it is. Originally a Wölsch. German style pale ale. The “I Work Harder Than An Ugly Stripper” Pale Ale. Recipe by CVDH.
Double dry hopped Cologne style Pale Ale with El Dorado, Mandarin Bavaria and Spalter select.
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,60 | 0,4L - € 4,40 | 1,5L - € 14,60
Mashed with oats and flaked wheat creating a “harder in your mouth” feel. Fermented with "London Fog" bringing Pineapple and tropical fruits, to “lighten the load”.
We primarily hopped with "Zappa", a hop which "doesn't really know what it is". It does however enhance the fruity flavours from the DDH process including Simcoe, Bru 1 and Moutere hops. You will also find menthol and spice in the aftertaste with pine woody notes in the aroma.
No spindles were used incorrectly during the brewing process😇
"Watch me now, I'm going down"
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,90 | 0,4L - € 5,10 | 1,5L - € 17,20
Slipper session ale will transport you on the hoppy side of the tracks. You will love the packed punch by Citra hops hunted down with passion fruit aromas by Galaxy hops and the lemon spikes by Sorachi Ace. The malt back bone is Vienna Malt and 2-row – to keep us focused on the green cones. We kept the alcohol content at 5.2.
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,60 | 0,4L - € 4,40 | 1,5L - € 14,60
Drinks: Mo–So: 10am – 2am
Food: first order 11:30 am, last order 01:00 am
Only ever closed on 24th December